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Hair should be cleanly shaven.
Do not wear makeup on the treated area the day of treatment.
No sun-tanning or self-tanners (including healthy glow cream) 4 weeks prior to treatment. Includes spray tans, tanning lotions, tanning beds, sun exposure, etc.
Some medications or supplements may increase the risk bruising.
No waxing, plucking or tweezing at least 4 weeks prior to treatment.
Some body parts may require a longer wait time.
Avoid treatments that may irritate the skin for 1-2 weeks prior to treatment (depilatories, harsh chemicals, etc.).
Notify us with any changes to your health history or medications since your last appointment.
Avoid sun exposure and use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen.
Redness and perifollicular edema (looks like a rash/bug bites) are common and resolve with time.
Bruising and swelling are less common but may occur and will resolve with time.
Avoid heat – hot tubs, saunas, etc. for 1-2 days.
Avoid skin irritants (retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents, etc. ) a few days post-treatment.
Notify us of any concerns (blistering, excessive redness/swelling, etc.).
Compression stockings (20-30 mm/hg) are optional.
Avoid high impact activity 3-5 days.
Hemosiderin staining (brown staining) may occur after a treatment and usually resolves with time (can take 1-2 years) but, on a rare occasion, it may be permanent.
Strict avoidance of sun exposure may decrease risk of permanent hemosiderin staining.
Large leg veins may take many months to resolve and should not be re-treated before then.
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